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Our Coaching Approach


Our coaching package has fundamental exercises that benefits everyone and creates a deep awareness of intention. INTENTION CREATES RESULTS. 


**  Coaching is an investment in creating the change that you state that you want in your life

**  Your success is a series of successes that create your results 

**  Your success is created through your experiences

**  Your coach can help you create positive habits to overcome the challenges that you are faced with and to create more harmony in your life

**  Your coaching journey with Karen and or Harris begins with the Introductory Consultation that results in discovery 


Karen and Harris has designed and will provide you with exercises in the session about where you are, what works for you, what’s getting in the way; and what it takes to move you forward.


As Karen or Harris works with you, you will discover strategies and techniques that will change your life in a positive manner. Your Success will be built on your experiences.  


Our Goal along your Journey is to develop: INTENTION CREATES RESULTS.



* WE COACH: 1 on 1 and Group

* WE GIVE: Presentations and Seminars

* WE SUPPORT: Colleges: Fort Lewis, Pueblo and San Juan, Schools: 9-R, Bayfield, The Goal Alternative and The Liberty School

* WE HOST & LEAD: Vision & Dreamboard Workshops

* WE EDUCATE: Our Clients to learn coping skills and strategies: To Accomplish their Dreams that they have given up on. TO MAKE A HUGE POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN THEIR families, community and country. 



who have learning challenges with FOCUS, ANXIETY, ACCOUNTABILITY and TIME MANAGEMENT


**  Children 

**  Gap Year Seniors 

**  College Students

**  Adults  

**  OUTDOOR Organizations




  • 1 to 1 Coaching


We discuss overcoming obstacles, implementing strategies and plan the actions you will execute between the sessions. 



  • Entrepreneurs


Working for yourself requires structure to capture your amazing ideas and put them to work to create success. Together, we develop a support system and time management techniques that are proven.  You will experience strategies that keep yourself accountable for YOUR actions and the goals YOU intend: INTENTION CREATES RESULTS.



  • Executives


The Executive Coaching process is designed for highly-motivated, creative and goal-oriented professionals who would enjoy increasing their effectiveness and efficiency in all areas of their life. 



  • Parents


Giving attention to your children’s ADHD and unique brain wiring creates more family harmony. Our family coaching helps you discover the skills and resources to help your child thrive.



  • Adolescents


Do teenagers know their parents have wisdom to share from their heart?  Together, we learn at a heart level about obstacles and strategies for motivation, organization, and getting things done.

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Our Approach
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