Let's Talk
Suggested reading:
C0-Active Coaching
Women with ADHD by Sori Solden
Unraveling ADHD: How I turned my greatest deficit into my greatest asset by Joyce A. Kubik
Plan For Success Planning Journal by Joyce A. Kubik
"Efficacy of ADHD Coaching for Adults with ADHD." ground breaking study by Joyce A. Kubik
Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell
You mean I am not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo
Permission to Proceed by David Giwerc
The Millionaire Map by Jim Stovall
The Platform by Michael Hyatt
Fans on Fire by Tom Kennemore
Worth Every Penny by Erin Verbeck and Sarah Petty
When the Body Says NO: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection
Healing MYTHS by Donald M. Epstein
New Feminine Brain, Developing Your Intuitive Genius by Mona Lisa Schulz M.D. PHD