Basic ADHD Coach Training
In the Basic Coach Training program, you will learn the fundamental core skills of the coaching process, practice how to effectively employ those skills, and experience how coaching can have a positive impact on clients with ADHD. Program Details
Basic ADHD Coach Training
ADDCA Mission:
Train the premier ADHD coaches in the world so they can skillfully educate and coach people of all ages to embrace the strengths bestowed by their unique brain wiring and empower them to build meaningful, joyful, and successful lives.
By enrolling in any of ADDCA's accredited personal development and coach training programs, you will receive an unparalleled education in how to successfully coach all age groups of people impacted by ADHD. (Find out here why accreditation is so important.)
Since its inception, the ADD Coach Academy has been training coaches who energize and empower individuals with ADHD to create the life they truly desire and deserve, but never dreamed was possible.
We do this better than any other coach training program in the world by employing practical, memorable, and easy to understand language, tools, and proprietary models that are all supported by validated scientific research.
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ADHD Coach Training Program Focus
Our Basic program is an integral part of our fully accredited comprehensive Advanced Coach Training Program and is designed for those who want to gain a practical working understanding of ADHD and ADDCA’s ADHD proprietary coaching models. You will learn how to coach people with ADHD to:
Become more self aware of their unique ADHD challenges to truly understand what has been getting in their way
Discover how they learn and process information to allow for greater comprehension and understanding of tasks, learning assignments, instructions, etc.
Identify and utilize their strengths so they can activate their brains and gain the confidence and motivation to take action that creates positive momentum toward completing important tasks and goals
Use their brain’s distinctive way of doing things to allow for greater consistent success
With ADDCA’s Basic Coach Training Program, you will learn the essential skills necessary to move people with ADHD from the stress and anxiety of their invisible challenges to a new life where they can confidently manage and thrive with their ADHD.
Program Details - see below
The ADDCA Difference
Year after year, the ADD Coach Academy trains and graduates the largest and most respected group of ADHD coaches in the world.
Our program has developed and evolved through 20 years of successful experience working with all age groups of people diagnosed with ADHD. The knowledge, skills, and models we teach in our training program cannot be learned at any other coach training program in the world.
Here are a few of the program elements that distinguish us from all other programs:
Become Both a Certified Life Coach and ADHD Coach
Our comprehensive coach training program prepares you to be able to obtain your certification credentials in both Life Coaching and ADHD Coaching. A growing number of our trainees are becoming Life Coaches with a specialty in ADHD, which allows them to market their coaching services to a larger client base.
Focus on Processing Styles
No other coach training program teaches coaches about "preferred" and "dominant" processing styles and how these work together in different learning situations for individuals with ADHD.
This knowledge is critical to helping your future clients discover how they learn and process information. In turn, this allows for better understanding and completion of important personal, academic, and workplace assignments, tasks, and goals.
The ADD Coach Academy is the first and only comprehensive ADHD coach training program accredited by the:
International Coach Federation (ICF), the global governing body for the coaching profession
Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (PAAC), the international organization that credentials ADHD coaches and accredits qualified ADHD coach training programs
This means:
Our coach training meets and upholds the rigorous training standards established by the world's leading governing bodies.
Our graduates will have met the training requirements to become certified coaches with both ICF and PAAC.
ADDCA provides you the opportunity with our one training program to become certified in two areas of expertise – life coaching and ADHD coaching.
A Neurodiverse Strengths-Based Approach
Other programs only focus on how to manage the challenges and impairments of ADHD. However, truly helping someone with their ADHD comes from a balanced approach. They must understand and manage their challenges, but they must also learn to create positive momentum so they can move forward with their lives. This positive momentum comes when you help them understand their unique strengths and show them how to use those strengths to reach their goals.
The program focuses on training you to uncover each individual’s neurodiverse strengths and then to use that knowledge and understanding to encourage ADHD individuals to confidently work with their brain's distinctive wiring to create more successful, fulfilling lives.
To do it any other way denies individuals with ADHD the essential foundational tools and strategies they need to make sustainable, positive changes in their lives.
Research and Evidence Based Curriculum
Our comprehensive ADHD coach training is supported by the most current neuroscience research on the neurotypical and ADHD brain. This is very helpful when educating your clients about the differences and challenges of the ADHD brain and how they show up for each individual in various situations. Our training program also incorporates the latest research from the fields of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Executive Functioning, Willpower, Habit Change, and Goal Setting.
Proprietary Models
Our proprietary models, coaching processes, and strategies have been developed, refined, and used by our coaches and their clients over many years. These models were developed to unravel the complexity of ADHD and its relationship with executive functions and convert that knowledge into practical language anyone can understand so they can successfully apply it to their daily lives.
These proprietary models can only truly be learned and fully practiced in our ADDCA training programs.
David Giwerc, Founder and President of the ADD Coach Academy, and Barbara Luther, Director of Training, have 40 years of combined experience coaching clients and training ADHD coaches. David and Barbara are both MCAC (Master Certified ADHD Coaches), Master Certified Coaches (MCC), and Board Certified Coaches (BCC).
The rest of the ADDCA faculty have decades of additional client coaching and coach training experience, and they are all certified coaches at the Professional or Master level. We have been training ADHD coaches longer than anyone else in the world. We know what works! There are thousands of people with ADHD who were barely surviving and are now thriving due to the education, skill, expertise, and dedicated service of ADDCA trained coaches.
Ongoing Research
The ADD Coach Academy is currently involved in cutting edge research with the VIA Institute on Character Strengths. We are the only ADHD coach training program in the world involved in this type of research.
Library of Resources and Demo Sessions
You will gain access to our extensive library of ADHD research articles, ADHD resources and tools, coaching tools, and sample documents to build your practice. This also includes recordings of ADHD coaching sessions demonstrated by the top ADHD coaches and trainers in the world. We continue to add to our library and also encourage our students to share tools and resources they’ve found and/or developed.
Business Development
We don’t just teach you about ADHD and coaching. Our curriculum includes a module on starting a coaching practice and how to position your practice so that it stands out. Building your coaching practice is not about selling, it is about passionately displaying your purpose for coaching in an engaging, interesting format that will attract the type of clients interested in learning more about you and your style of coaching.
This module encourages development of a business and marketing plan, asks you to identify your initial target market, invites you to practice delivering a complimentary session, and supports you with the development of a client welcome packet.
Your comprehensive ADDCA coach training will provide you with the practical knowledge, proven skills, and practice to exude the confidence of an outstanding ADHD coach who can empower your clients to create purposeful and fulfilling lives.
Get our free e-book to learn more about ADHD coaching, essential ADHD concepts and the importance of accreditation.
Program Details
What's Included
Course Modules
Course Dates
Pricing / Registration
What's Included
All teleclasses involve long distance learning conducted on the highest quality telephone bridge lines, which only your classmates can access.
This provides you and your classmates with your own "virtual" classroom which is private and supports confidentiality for sharing within class.
All teleclasses are recorded. If you miss an occasional teleclass or just want to review the class content, you can download the recording and listen when and where you prefer.
Module 99 (Simply ADHD Course) (6 weeks)
Two 90-minute teleclasses per week
Module 100 (Personal Transformation Course) (9 weeks)
Two 90-minute teleclasses per week
Modules 101-104 (Basic ADHD Coach Training Course) (16 weeks)
Two 90-minute teleclasses per week
Ten 60-minute practicum teleclasses occurring alongside modules 102 and 103 (10 sessions)
Electronic Manuals:
We have gone green! You will receive three electronic ADDCA course manuals - one for Simply ADHD, one for Personal Transformation, and one for the Basic ADHD modules 101 - 103. These training manuals include proprietary ADDCA coaching models, ADHD and coaching knowledge, tools, strategies and mind maps for visual learners.
If you wish, you can purchase hard copy manuals for an additional charge at registration checkout.
Student Portal:
The student portal provides private access to the specific program(s) you have registered for. You can access teleclass recordings, expert coaching demonstrations with clients, your schedule of classes, classmate contact information, a library of proprietary information, research articles, ADHD and coaching educational articles, announcements, and personal transcripts in the portal.
Coaching Skills Practicum:
This is module 104 in the Basic ADHD Coach Training program. The practicum teleclasses occur alongside modules 102 and 103. These practicum teleclasses provide you opportunities to practice your ADHD coaching skills and receive feedback from a credentialed, experienced teleclass leader.
The practicum sessions occur on opposite days to your general teleclasses but usually at the same time of day. (For example, if modules 101 through 103 are on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 am, then your module 104 practicum sessions will likely be on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 11 am.)
Learning Partners:
You will be assigned classmate learning partners, usually in groups of three. We encourage the learning partner groups to meet weekly to practice using the tools and strategies you are learning, to coach one another and receive feedback. This additional practice and opportunity to process and apply what you are learning will deepen and strengthen your development as an ADHD coach.
Marketing Support for Basic Certified Coach Graduates:
After graduating from Basic ADHD Coach Training, you can test for Basic certification (AACC - ADDCA Associate Certified Coach). Upon attaining this AACC certification, you will receive a free listing in the ADDCA Coach Directory where you can present your new coaching business.
Training Hours
Completion of the Basic ADHD Coach Training program which include Simply ADHD, Personal Transformation, and modules of the Basic course will give you 91.5 CCE hours of core coaching competency training.
Please note: The cost of the program does not include the following:
The Cost for Phone Calls: Find out more
The Cost for Mentor Coaching:
See Graduation/Certification Requirements. The cost of Mentor Coaching would be dependent on whether you do one-on-one mentor coaching or a combination of mentor group coaching and one-on-one mentor coaching. ADDCA does provide a recommended list of mentor coaches who have agreed to hold a few reduced-rate spots for ADDCA mentees. Mentor Coaches can have different rates.
The Cost of the Certification Application: There is no application fee to apply and test for graduation. There is an application fee when you apply for the certification
Why Is The Virtual Learning Experience at the ADD Coach Academy So Powerful?
Read what our students say about their ADDCA education
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I have 2 degrees.. but this surpasses everything I have ever done.
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This course was amazingly useful as it laid the grounds for building my practice, step by step and in a very professional way. It answered all the questions I had about that, and beyond, and gave me confidence in myself as coach.
Ghada Yared (Beirut, Lebanon)
I made the leap to invest in myself and move forward, and I’m glad I did.
Cary Colleran (Parker, CO)
The education and training are cutting edge, the faculty and staff are highly-skilled and responsive and the evidence based approaches can be universally impactful.
Michele Oelking, MSW, AAC, PCC
When looking at ACTP programs we (Tulane) wanted to find a program that would assist us in gaining ADHD knowledge and coach specific training...
Michele Oelking (Tulane)
In my eyes, ADDCA is considered as the best academy in the world for coaches.
Annette B
ADDCA has given me everything I need to begin my coaching career.
Colleen Rutledge (Canada)
ADDCA has a very strong and committed team of educators. I am so proud I made the right choice to pick this wonderful academy.
Coach in Training
I enjoyed every second of my ADDCA training.
Kris Moauro (​Ontario, Canada)
"The Global Leader in ADHD Coach Training"
The ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) is a internationally recognized coach training program with students participating from North & South America, Europe, Australia, Asia & Africa . Read More
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1971 Western Avenue # 106 Albany, NY 12203-5066
(800) 915-7702 Phone
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Coach Training Overview
Free Introductory Teleclass
Basic ADHD Coach Training
Advanced ADHD Coach Training
Professional ADHD Coach Training
Course Schedules
ADHD Courses Overview
Simply ADHD Course
Permission to Proceed
ADHD Articles